Friday, August 13, 2010

The Expression 2010

As hard as it is for me to believe, the time for our first Expression conference is almost upon us.  Advertising has started, registration is open and most importantly hearts and lives are being prepared.

It has been an incredibly interesting year gearing up for this event.  As with any opportunity to share truths from God's word, this one has come with God's school of learning in order to live it before teaching it.  God has been faithful to release my own unique expression more fully within me this last year.  Truth has gone deeper, lessons have been learned and wounds have been healed.  In a nutshell... growth has happened.

My heart and prayer is that each woman who attends this conference will have the same experience...growth into the expression that God has designed for her.  Make no mistake about it; God has designed, knit into us, a unique, individual expression for us to live out of.  Removing the masks we so often wear, breaking off unrealistic expectations and embracing God more fully is a life changing experience.

Romans 8:19 "The whole earth groans for the manifestation (expression) of the people of God."  This verse is no joke.  If you don't think the earth is groaning, I challenge you to slow down and listen.  It is groaning and we must rise to meet the call to be the women God has declared us to be.  All other voices be silent.  There is no hidden agenda, no small print or red tape, just simple truth.   Allowing God to impart whatever is needed and LIVE an expressed life to the glory and grace of our great God.

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